Onboard with British Culture in the Midst of ISIL Peril Skip to main content


Easing Your Mind When Health Concerns Arise: It's Okay to Not Be Okay (and Here's How to Navigate It)

We live in a world that often glorifies perfect health and seamless well-being. Social media feeds are filled with images of peak fitness and effortless vitality, which can inadvertently make us feel inadequate or anxious when we experience the inevitable bumps in the road of our own health journey. But what if we told you that experiencing symptoms, discomfort, and even a bit of worry is perfectly normal? And more importantly, what if we told you that it's okay to feel this way, and there are healthy ways to navigate these moments? Let's address some common health anxieties that many of us face, and offer some reassurance and guidance: The Pressure of Blood Pressure: Hypertension and Feeling Overwhelmed It's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of health information, especially when it comes to things like blood pressure. Experiencing symptoms related to hypertension, or even just the worry that you might be, can be incredibly stressful. The good news is, you'r...

Onboard with British Culture in the Midst of ISIL Peril

A deep sense of economic thought persists when one holds liberal and conservative values. To have not followed many radical left-wing viewpoints leaves much to the imagination. Socialist agendas can fail, as Marxism in Britain was recognised to be very time limited in effectiveness. According to Tony Blair, particular economic thought based on the classes can become redundant. The former prime minister has explained why failures led to New Labour at the end of last century.
Radical Islamists feed off crises, including the deepest of warfare. When radical Islamist thought takes hold, a crisis unfolding in a western economy is seen as an opportunity in the eyes of these radicals. Radical left-wing thought is often used as a platform, which is why there are 'no platform' safeguards in our political and economic structure.

When a person's own ideas and hopes are economical, wisdom leads to perspicacity and one can develop a keen insight into the economic weather. Educational factors are key to overcoming limitations in our perspectives, that are encompassing of our inert understanding of the proclivities of what we can regard as a highly developed economic environment. Rather than being so critical of our own inert feelings, or being overly alerted to one another's biases, we would benefit by looking ahead on the political calendar and foreseeing ways in which we can avert dilemma. Dilemma in our economic way of thinking should be set aside by use of focus on all public and political decisions that uphold a unified response of the sort that steers us together in a timely manner, considerate to our own personal and domestic priorities. Effectively acknowledging our position after avoiding an economic crisis.
Culture is a considerably propitious component of the wider economy and cultural bodies comprise of well-heeled affluent proponents of developments required to stave of industrial and economic decline. By and by, reformists seek to fortify the backbone of economic support.

Truly successful places are much more than economic powerhouses. Their high levels of performance are always underpinned by a sense of creative vibrancy, a manifestly strong quality of life, and a clear sense of cultural identity.

- New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership & New Anglia Cultural Board

Supporting cultural nationalism requires an ability to understand how it is being implemented and what effects it would have regarding macroeconomics. Cultural nationalism has been present in the right of The Conservative Party's own political spectrum according to The Guardian Newspaper. The conservation of British cultural norms and values are especially important at the national level, and if we do not protect these aspects of our society, nor preserve them, our history and heritage are at risk. Dynamism can be best attributed to well rooted foundations.
Playing down our British culture is the threat we face from religious fundamentalist militancy and those in support of it, of which, according to the works of the writer and journalist Jason Burke, is real, dire, and has a strong presence amongst us according to statistics and within accurate information in the media.

Essential reading gives us the information we need if we want to realise to not succumb to fears that are instilled by outsiders and foreign hostility. Nobody wants to feel patronised by others and especially those of us with our own convivial customary ways in everyday life, welcoming others into our society and valuing one another for our contribution to the nation and one another. This being as we enjoy our freedom and progress without hindrance in our own commonality.
We see police and security deployment through the course of time, to be elevated, and one of the messages from Burke is that although your next-door neighbour may not be a militant or posing any kind of threat to you, you are still a victim of terror, else this security movement nationally, would not have been put into place. There is a real threat from religious and political activity from overseas, and persons residing near to you here in the UK may easily be involved in activity that is in this such way, ideologically founded, and manifested by use of counter-cultural radical Islamic origins. Dangerous systems of belief drive tyrannical unrest.
With the issues we face we must try to avoid feelings of foreboding but in order to do this correctly we should avoid embittered responses that may exasperate adversaries as this in turn, can pique those who share our own views and values if they lack insight as to how they may be vulnerable to the dilemma we're facing and its magnitude, and also, to achieve this we must act with rationality.
We need to prevent manipulative behaviour from those who have sympathised with the so-called Islamic State. They are attempting to make a folk devil of the inhabitants of nations in the west and their connatural presence. One method of such a terrorist organisation would be to gain sympathies from those less insightful inhabitants, by using populist sentiment analogous, in their tactical view, with making out that folk devil.
This method of subversion is toilsome exploitation of their repugnant terrorist self-designation and their atrocities, their victims and their former hostilities towards their victims as they are being subverted.
The Islamic extremists' plan to try to subjugate western governments consists of a motive to fan the flames of populist feelings of resentment towards the rich, or even the patriotic, all of whom bear a right to be wealthy or proud of their country. A target person for subversion may typically feel wronged by other privileged people of the same culture, heritage, and nationality and populist feelings may manifest staunchly, giving way to reprehensible appeal for what can somewhat resemble extremist dudgeon or even hateful feelings.
A populist target may disdain ordinary people for not sharing the resentful feelings or joining in with sympathies towards extremists, and may especially disdain those who head on oppose Islamic militancy and extremism in which case each party may have a rancorous attitude that deepens resentment and hatred, but worst of all, sympathies towards extremist Islam as new sympathisers of foreign hostility can have reversed their attribution to opposition to religious extremists and seek to grow activeness in the creating of more attrition. In the Islamic world itself overall, left-wing institutions have been used as platforms and springboards for radical Islam and fundamentalist Islamist activity. We can see repeat prescriptions of social and socialist activity relating to Islamism across all continents potentially and seemingly, but within Muslim countries and Islam's homelands, the 'ummah' is the mode of populism and the left wing is subdued or utilised cleverly by groupings who feel marginalised by the left-wing elites, where they exist.
In the west, a minority that feels it is slowly becoming a majority through immigration, may have imported their vanward methods when under dispositions of marginalisation or social defamation and between all parties in the overall culture mix, is a blend of different kinds of populism that can begin to coalesce at a point or another and become starkly and arrantly juxtaposed, especially on the grounds of economic austerity when they expect more from the system. Hereby, we must watch for imported mechanisms and deliberate means of manipulation.
In other nations, proscribed hostile Islamic organisations rule millions of people and proselytisation of Christians and non-partisans under pressure from extremism and indoctrination is the norm, in a situation where people have little choice but to obey.
As of September 2017, tens of thousands of extremist Islamists are said to reside within the United Kingdom, according to a top EU official, and a great many people in the UK who have escaped from these terrorists may be susceptible to either harm or influence, especially with extant people trafficking between nations being a probable real major factor, considering its prevalence in consolidating the proscribed Islamic State within Iraq, Syria, and parts of Africa. Many of these individuals may themselves, risk harm to others or act as props for damaging activity.
Sex trafficking such as the trafficking of girls in Rochdale during the child grooming scandal here, is a tool used as a punishment made for the so called 'kuffar' and exists under the rule of proscribed terrorists abroad. I shall later describe how grooming is in part, a backwash of decades and even centuries of war and Islamic ijtihad. It’s a concern for our public services when sex traffickers are putting strain on local councils, the police force, and our national health service with health tourism originating from terror sources and the likes.
However, as I have explained, when the extremists apply their methods, most anyone, native or migrant has the potential to be propelled towards dangerous sympathies. The Islamist organisations will try to make as much appeal as possible and correlate most anything that can bring them favour.
In 2014, a poll revealed that a quarter of French youths from all creeds had a favourable view of ISIL. Be the reasons of a shift in favour within your own locality, the results of fear, admiration, or whatever else, I can certainly see that people's feelings from day to day play a great part in any group's use of persuasiveness.
The UK Labour Party's leader, Jeremy Corbyn put an array of populist plans in his manifesto whilst at the same time has put forward his viewpoint that protects British people who show support or sympathy towards the so-called Islamic State. This bridges gaps between ordinary common Brits who previously would express intense deprecation of ISIL and even Islam entirely, with extremist Islamists who have an intense view that deprecates traditional British culture and norms.
Such a promulgation by the current Conservative Party government's opposition proves that The Labour Party appeals to Islamists as the perfect platform for them to gain the most unseeingly dubious support and energy in their cause.
Within the populist plans of Corbyn are his intention to nationalise large amounts of Britain's industry, whereas some citizens on the other hand, have more enthusiasm directed towards the nationalisation of British cultural history and tradition.
Included in these explanations are primary research details from provident annotations, acquired from experience in a community and word of mouth, expressed by members of the community who were showing counter-cultural resentment towards (in their own words) 'The British'. They do not all share the same background, and their angst was representative of a mixed community. Feelings in such communities included a blend of populist resentment of a present British government, the effects of austerity, and also poverty, and any one of these factors may have nettled their previous alternate reprehension of the Muslim community in the town, before an apparent inversion, or much more accurately put, a 'conversion' of racially fuelled innervations from one form of counterculture to another, and with amorphous sureness of their own cultural identity. The locals there would identify with one perceived culture and then alterate to another.
What we can see within a township, or a nation, is a causatum of immigration in large numbers, legal or illegal, forming a more deeply multicultural locus, and it's true that a society or parts of a society that are becoming more diverse, will likely be less compatible with solid cultural identities. The preceding populous move with the times also, and their peers and surroundings too, although many may be inclined to move and embark upon their perspective of the greater voice or popular opinion.
Identity has its own politics and as a person's idea of their own self-identity changes along with others, there are multiple identities a person can hold at one time as they respond to issues or topics about local or national views about perceived race, a religion eminent on growth, and how they may adapt to accepting globalisation.
The footing and bearings of the British people overall is leading to its denouement and I would expect it to be far from a great cataclysm or an overhaul of long standing British cultural institutions and presence, however, even with a landslide majority for Labour in the nineties, British conservatives came back strong with a revitalised British aura they instilled into society with the help of Sir John Major who was once Chancellor of the Exchequer and then prime minister. He steered the UK through a recession and kept inflation low whilst making great economic foundations that greatly explain a strong economy and British strength throughout Britain during much of the Labour government that followed, and conservatives came back with an economic vengeance and a desire to make our country rise in the wake of an economic disaster. In 2010 in Rochdale, a conservative named Mudasir Dean was representing The Conservative Party and at the time, the tides were turning on The Liberal Democrats, a previously strong movement in the town, although subsequently, Labour gained full control of Rochdale. Two years later Mudasir was elected as a councillor in Bolton. Leading up to 2010's general election, people far and wide followed the economic collapse on the television and each party's response to it. From political communications, many believed that Labour's policies contributed to the disaster and Conservatives had what it takes to revive us. Some were fond of The Liberal Democrats because of what they had seen of Charles Kennedy on the television, and opposition to the Iraq war, an appealing stance to Muslims which attracted many Muslim votes. The coalition result in 2010 was satisfying and assuring to Brits who valued traditional politics and a liberal conservative democracy.
Liberals stand for so much good and even in times of widespread cultural unsureness more than ever, a fixed person can recognise that if liberal values are incompatible with extreme Islam, and as extremists describe the so called kuffar as inferior, hence, not equal, and if you are not calm in the face of the Islamist threat, some people may become heavily reactionary and liberal values may drop in response to their anti-liberalism or false liberalism. The point is though, that, all in all, these liberal values are British values and distancing yourself from a religion is one thing but steering yourself close to their hostile or socially or culturally exclusive behaviour may not be of ultimate benefit to the lifestyle you have long valued and treasured. You can be conservative with muscular liberalism without letting a phobia of other people take hold, however tensions may rise and interactions with other people may become unpleasant as they do.
Music teachers sometimes teach to appreciate all music. Even through times where feelings that the nation's gentility is being attacked and violent networks and organisations are attempting to thwart even the whole of western culture with theirs, I can happily play the different cultural music I have acquired to enjoy at my leisure, and value what the teacher said. If you can find something universal to combat or remove the shadow of potential phobia, then treasure that ability to do so and remember that it's a poisonous ideology we are going to combat, and it can be a contagious one. Don't help it become more contagious. Enjoy cultural enrichment without fearing how it can be used like a sword in a battle for culture points to support a dangerous ideology.
For a contagious ideology to be transmissible, the extremists desire their preferred conditions, and in this desired environment they want to fight their enemy until they are 'sorry'. For some it may be a comforting notion to oppose them and just be sorry, and when they are it invigorates the extremists. The violent Islamist plans to use jihadi warfare in a synchronous way, that will foment a sorry submission at whatever pace is successful for them.
Will the condescending patterns, the patronisers, and the patronised, the passive, the moderate, the extremists, will they exhibit a penitent sorrow from within those less enlightened folks who already felt cultured and patriotic where they reside? Will radicalised individuals expect mere support or religious submission from others?
Manchester and other parts of the west endured a militant attack and subsequent ISIL activity. Latent Islamism executes synchronised plans and stirs up jeopardy by raising alarm bells and creating unruliness and bedlam. Meanwhile, their Caliphate or Khalifa has been promoted in London with ironic leaflets that resemble those with Islamist material that originated with a group in Egypt that seeded so much of the extremism.
Jihad is studied by Islamic scholars and each scholar will come to his or her individual conclusion on people and warfare, or militancy. Some scholars may decree that extremism (as jihad of the sword alone often is) as most of us understand it, is not permissible or should not be acted upon, however, they may indicate that there is a time for it. A time such as when Muslims are less of a minority in the western countries they inhabit, and/or when an Islamic state or Khalifa is established and confirmed. Keep in your mind how intricately linked the scholars are with the places of worship. Many scholars are radicals.
History repeats. Ancient history repeats, and again the notion of it will invigorate fundamentalists and fanatics. Within the prophet Muhammad's historical Caliphate, the Muslims grew in their religious sense that Allah and heaven itself was ultimately on their side versus an opposing army. As international conflict heightens, so does a religious prospect that energises and quickens.
In 2015 there were 33 violent Islamic militant groups in Pakistan and Pakistanis tend to be in an uproar when something goes against their scripture, yet they practically do not bat an eyelid when extremism in relation to their scripture brings any violence to a western country. The people there according to a couple of media articles tend to be temporarily united against terrorism only as it suits them.
Iran in comparison is reported to have practically no supporters of ISIL and this data makes much sense to me after meeting friendly folk from Kurdistan and Iran who express no support whatsoever for extremism and oppose it in full. Meeting characters like this contributed to my assumption that opposers of extremism in the Middle East are valuable friends to their western counterparts.
There are people in the Muslim world who barely practice their religion and are far from those that do to the point of having violent fundamentalist views, but the leaders of the most dangerous ones that do and their militancy can be simply rounded into three broad categories. One of these categories encompasses The Islamic State of which when established, insinuates jihadi terrorism and has initiated it to such an extent around the world. Muslims that are not even as much as moderate should certainly not be equated with it. In the Muslim world, there are clearly those who recognise the scourge of terrorism, fight it, and discourage it. Scholars discourage it but I would argue that fundamentalism is where problems can arise with barbarism and the want to identify a common enemy and bear arms against them. One must recognise and accept though, that within the Muslim world are those that identify with Islam and oppose these of whom have these barbaric views.
Political groups, charities and think tanks require authorisation and a requirement to operate legitimately and responsibly. Peacekeeping and conciliation are the clear purpose of many such organisations, however at times, some individuals can cause some moral friction, or show a concerning stance, or apprehensive bearings in their actions or communication.
I noticed that a UK Muslim support group caused some concern considering reports about the group. We must closely watch such groups if they sympathise with any terrorists. The group is called MEND and we should be weary of Azad Ali's (company director of engagement) comments, showing a liking for an Al-Qaeda recruiter and speaking against any democracy that does not mean the implementation of Sharia Law. It is a good sign that Ed Davey the Liberal Democrat decided not to engage with them and it's almost baffling that Jeremy Corbyn does although he has indicated that he meets with groups he may disagree with, to bring about a peaceful process. It’s a good sign that Quilliam, another Muslim related organisation does not rush to give them a backing.
We must strike a balance in knowing what groups to deal with and how to deal with them and process our information and determine action unambiguously with regards to the valuable information we know, and by recognising what is detrimental to us as a greater society. We must do so whilst keeping in mind that when organisations are coming together to communicate, they will become either partial or impartial to one another and we establish clarity on these matters during times when as Charles P. Kindleberger has identified, are times when people tend to follow a wider crowd, such as during financial instability. According to research, our brains are wired to accept the opinions of other active groups and we can drift from our own way of thinking.

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